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Goud voor Brandon Chan van Taekwondo Gyeong-rye Den Haag

Op 8 juni 2024 organiseerde de Taekwondo Bond Nederland een Open kampioenschap stijl in Utrecht. In de vroege ochtend maakte Brandon Chan van Gyeong-rye zich klaar onder begeleiding van drie van zijn trainers. Brandon Chan zat in de individuele pool B (9-11), liep uitstekend en scoorde hoog in de finale, waarmee hij met een ruim verschil met zijn finale-kandidaten goud wist te behalen.

Wederom een fantastische prestatie voor Brandon! Proficiat en dank aan het begeleidende team!

Gold Medal for Brandon Chan of Taekwondo Gyeong-rye Den Haag

On june 8th 2024 the Taekwondo Bond Nederland organised a open poomsae competition in Utrecht. In the early morning Brandon Chan of Gyeong-Rye prepared himself under guidance of three of his trainers. Brandon Chan competed in the pool individual male B ages 9-11, performed excellent and scored very high in the finale. With a clear difference to the competition, Brandon took home gold. 

Well done Brandon! Congratulations and thanks to the whole team! 


Nieuws / News

Brandon zilver bij interland te België

Brandon zilver bij interland te België
Zaterdag 18 jan. 2024 nam Bandon Chan van Gyeong-rye deel aan het Keumgang Open in Lommel/België, waar in de sporthal De Soeverein zowel het Poomsae als Freestyle toernooi werd gehouden.

Read more: Brandon zilver bij interland te België

Start the New Year strong. Train for Free in January!

Have you decided to become more active this January? Or are you excited to (re)start practicing a self-defense sport? This is your chance! 🥋

Throughout the entire month of January, we invite you to join our training sessions for free and with no obligation. Discover how fun and rewarding it is to work on your strength, technique, and confidence.

Read more: Start the New Year strong. Train for Free in January!

National training Sparring

Talib participated in the central training session led by national head coach Rafik Zohri on Sunday, December 22, 2024, in Eindhoven. This was a highly attended event where the top athletes of the Netherlands, including national team members, trained intensively. The training lasted three hours.

Read more: National training Sparring

Dutch National Taekwondo Championships 2024

Dutch National Taekwondo Championships 2024 
Last weekend, the National Taekwondo Championships took place in Almere, Saturday sparring, Sunday Poomsae. 

Read more: Dutch National Taekwondo Championships 2024

2x gold on District South Poomsae Tournament

2x gold for Brandon Chan from Taekwondo Gyeong-Rye The Hague!

On September 14, 2024, the TBN (Taekwondo Association Netherlands) organized the Open District South Poomsae Tournament in Den Bosch. Brandon Chan and Talib Al-Zhraou from Gyeong-rye were present early and preparing under the guidance of their trainers.

Read more: 2x gold on District South Poomsae Tournament



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Training schedule

Multiple classes for kids and adults in The Hague (Mariahoeve and Benoordenhout).



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